The Growth of Decisions

Eventually, you know that your child will start to pick out clothes. Now is the time to guide those choices. When children are little, we are put in charge of deciding everything for them, but eventually, little by little, the child comes into his or her own. One of the first things that children often […]
Food Battles

Those of us who have children understand that there comes a time when food battles are the norm. Some of us have children that will only eat certain foods. My husband says he was one of those children. Every time his parents took him out to eat, he would order a hamburger and french fries. […]
New Mom Syndrome

Why first-time mothers of twins miss the psychotic new mom syndrome Over the years I’ve heard first-time mothers described as having the psychotic new mom syndrome. There are even commercials about it. This type of mother is the one that sterilizes everyone’s hands before touching the baby, inspect each piece of food before the child […]